Who can attend Gateway Academy?

Gateway was established to meet the learning needs of students who struggle in a traditional middle and high school setting for a variety of reasons, and is a choice for all students. It is not intended to be punishment for disciplinary infractions, nor is it a school designed specifically for students with intensive disabilities, however, it is an alternative for all students including those that are interested and may have encountered previous disciplinary issues or that may need the supports and services of an Individualized Education Program.

If you would like to inquire if Gateway Academy is right for you or your child, Please call us at (978) 374-3473.

Student desire to attend Gateway is an important part of the enrollment process. Students unwilling or uninterested in attending Gateway will not be enrolled.

Gateway Academy Lower School students are referred by their guidance counselors in consultation with the parent and student, and an application process begins. This process includes an interview and visit to the school prior to enrollment.

Gateway Academy Upper School students can enter the program through self-referral or referral by a guidance counselor. Students will participate in an interview and school visit prior to enrolling.